To find out more about our service and what Figtree can offer to you and your child we invite you to visit us and take a tour of our site. You can contact us on 02 9747 5782 or email us at figtree@safc.org.au
ECEC is about supporting children to develop as capable and confident learners. At Figtree Early Learning Centre each of our environments are set up to ensure children are supported to develop to their greatest potential. Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life are fundamental in helping them to develop a positive love of learning and at Figtree it is our aim to be part of this time in each child’s life.
Figtree provides education and care services for children from 6 weeks to 5 years of age.
Figtree is open 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Yes, changes to children’s enrolments are welcome where places are available. Figtree requires two weeks’ notice when changing days or when families are seeking to exit the service.
A bond of $600 is required to secure your child’s enrolment. This is fully refundable upon exit when two weeks’ notice has been provided. For the daily fee please call us on 9747-5782 or email us at figtree@safc.org.au and a member of our team will contact you.
Yes, we love to have families visit us and get involved in our educational programs. We encourage all our families to come in and spend time with us, participate in activities or share a special skill or interest with the children. This is a great way to ensure a positive partnership between Figtree and our families.
To ensure the health and safety of all our children we ask that parents keep sick children at home. If a child becomes ill while at Figtree our educators will contact families to discuss your child’s symptoms. At times it may be necessary for your child to be collected from the Centre early, in which case, educators will ensure that your child is kept as comfortable as possible until you arrive.
In New South Wales under the National Regulations, ratios are as follows:
Age of Child |
Educator to child ratio |
Birth to 24 months | 1:4 |
Over 24 months and less than 36 months | 1:5 |
Over 36 months – preschool age | 1:10 |
However, as we are an inclusive Early Learning Service we receive ISS funding, as such, our ratios are significantly higher than the industry standard. We also have permanent support staff who assist with cleaning and cooking to ensure that educators are able to engage and support children at all times.
Yes, Figtree provides all children 3-5 years with access to a structured preschool program. This program is planned and implemented by our Early Childhood Teacher and our team of experienced educators.
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) describes the practices, principles and outcomes that our team of educators work towards each day. The EYLF is part of the Australian Governments National Quality Framework (NQF) for the field of Early Childhood Education and Care. The EYLF has a strong focus on supporting children to learn through play and has five Learning Outcomes.
The outcomes are:
- Children have a strong sense of identity
- Children are connected with and contribute to their world
- Children have a strong sense of well being
- Children are confident and involved learners
- Children are effective communicators
For more information on the EYLF or the NQF please speak to one of our educators.
Our team of educators develop programs based on the EYLF and our knowledge about child development. Using the EYLF, educators will observe your child’s learning so they can plan for the next step in your child’s development. They will do this by listening, watching and talking to your child. An individual planning cycle is followed for each of our children and we encourage families to identify goals for their child which we aim to support.
A community post is made available for all families via our online learning platform. This allows families to see what learning has taken place throughout the day. These posts can then be discussed with your child at home to extend on the activities provided at Figtree and help ensure a connection between home and our service.
Twice a year a developmental assessment for each child is conducted. Following this process, families receive a summary on their child’s learning and are provided with an opportunity to meet with our educators to discuss their child’s progress. While this formal meeting is offered to families twice a year parents are always able to speak to our educators about their child’s development and learning journey.
Yes, Figtree offers families many opportunities to spend time at the service. Every year we host a family social to welcome new and existing families, mothers and father’s day events, as well as a Christmas party. We are also open to hosting other community events and invite our families to provide ideas on how we may be able to extend on this social events throughout the year.
No, Figtree does not charge fees for any day the service is closed. This includes our 3 week shutdown over the Christmas period.
Yes, Figtree has a large outdoor environment were an adventure awaits each child. Playing outside gives your child the chance to explore the natural environment and have new and fun experiences. Children can play their favourite games, test their physical limits and build self-confidence. In the outdoor learning environment children have more space and freedom for big movements, like running, jumping, kicking and throwing. Physical activities like these are good for children’s health, fitness and physical development and we are delighted to be able to offer such a wonderful outdoor setting for our children.
Yes, Figtree provides children with four meals a day. Breakfast, morning tea, a hot lunch and afternoon tea. The carefully designed menu has been developed in consultation with nutritionists and dieticians to produce a menu that not only exceeds the national dietary guidelines but also creates a positive and appealing mealtime environment for children in our care.
Special dietary requirements including cultural considerations and allergies can all be catered for upon request.
To find out more about the catering company used please follow the link:
Yes, Figtree has a secure onsite carpark available to parents for drop-off and pick-ups.
- A bag
- A drink bottle
- A Sun Smart hat for outdoor play
- A full change of clothes
- A set of cot sheets for children who sleep during the day
- Comforters including toys or dummies for children who require these
- Breastmilk or formula as required
Yes, Figtree operates for 49 weeks a year and has a 3 week shutdown. This allows families to take holidays between the Christmas and New Year period without having to worry about paying fees.
Figtree employs a dedicated team of educators to ensure the highest standard of quality care and education for your child. We provide a team of educators from a range of diverse nationalities and cultures, as well as qualifications.
This includes:
- Early Childhood Teachers
- Diploma Trained Educators
- Certificate III Early Childhood Educators
- Special Educators
The Australian Government provides families with a Child Care Subsidy (CCS). The CCS is means tested and is based on a families combined income. For more information on what your daily fee at Figtree will be please contact us directly and we will be happy to discuss your particular circumstance.
Under the No Jab No Pay legislation, from 1 January 2016, parents must ensure their children meet the immunisation requirements which now apply in order to be eligible for CCS. The changes mean that a child must be fully immunised, or on a catch-up schedule according to the current Australian Immunisation Handbook or have a valid exemption in order to receive these payments.